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Datastore API

The Netlas Datastore API offers access to a broad range of network-related datasets, published on the Netlas Datastore.

At this moment, the Netlas SDK doesn’t support datastore access. Therefore, all examples below use direct access to the Netlas web-app API.

Listing Datasets

Anyone can list available datasets by making a GET request to the /datastore/products/ endpoint. This endpoint does not require authentication.

curl -X GET ""
The following example shows how to output available datasets in a human-readable form:

List available datasets
curl -s '' | \
  jq 'sort_by(.data_category.priority, .priority) | .[]' | \
  jq -r '"\(.id)\t\(.datasets[0].added_dt | .[:10])\t\(.pretty_name)"'
27  2024-04-22  Known domain names
23  2024-04-23  Forward DNS (fDNS)
8   2024-04-23  Forward DNS - A records only
4   2024-04-21  Forward DNS - MX records only
69  2024-04-20  Forward DNS - NS records only
List available datasets
import requests

# Accessing API endpoint
response = requests.get('')
data = response.json()

# Sorting data by 'priority'
sorted_data = sorted(data, key=lambda x: (x['data_category']['priority'], x['priority']))

for product in sorted_data:
27  2024-04-22  Known domain names
23  2024-04-23  Forward DNS (fDNS)
8   2024-04-23  Forward DNS - A records only
4   2024-04-21  Forward DNS - MX records only
69  2024-04-20  Forward DNS - NS records only

Downloading Datasets

The payment mechanism is solely implemented within the web application; therefore, downloading a dataset via the API is only feasible if it is available to you at no additional cost.

Several datasets are provided free of charge to all Netlas users and can be readily downloaded via the API.

Furthermore, users subscribed to the Corporate and Enterprise pricing plans have access to all datasets without any extra fees. For these users, all datasets are available for download through the API.

Get dataset link

# Define the API key and Dataset ID

# Make the GET request and format the JSON response
curl -s -H "X-API-Key: ${api_key}" "${url}" | jq '.'
    "pretty_name": "Known PTR records (rDNS)",
    "name": "known_ptr_records",
    "links": [
        "ext": "json",
        "link": ""
        "ext": "csv",
        "link": ""
Get dataset link
import requests
import json

# Define the API key and Dataset ID
api_key = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
dataset_id = 28
url = f'{dataset_id}/'

headers = { 'X-API-Key': api_key }

# Make the GET request and format the JSON response
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
data = response.json()    
print(json.dumps(data, indent=4))
    "pretty_name": "Known PTR records (rDNS)",
    "name": "known_ptr_records",
    "links": [
        "ext": "json",
        "link": ""
        "ext": "csv",
        "link": ""

Most datasets are available in JSON and CSV formats. Dictionaries are supplied in TXT format. Endpoint returns links to all available formats at once.

If you request a bundle, there will be more than one dataset in the JSON list.